Thursday, February 26, 2015

Joint Combatives Class - 25/02/2015


-        Functional applications of standup grappling in urban settings


-        Learn to weaponise standup grappling concepts from earlier class

o   In the presence of obstacles, eg. walls, cars

o   Hazardous terrain

o   Against weapons

o   Integrated with striking

o   Ambush scenarios

Revision of Basic Concepts

-        Stance integrity
-        Force couples for takedowns
-        Joint Hyperfunction
-        Structural manipulations

Freeform soft takedown drills to revise ~3mins

-        Wedge entries vs attacks for takedowns

Freeform wedge entry vs attack drills – stop at loaded position for takedown ~3mins

Environment drills

Upright obstacles

-        Wall strike evasion
-        Wall grab escapes and counters to takedown
-        Car variants (if available)
-        Scenario-specific, eg. blindsided coming through doorway, out of lift, etc.
-        Ambush variants – include criminal interview
-        Striking as accessory to facilitate takedown
-        Armed attacker variations

Hazardous Terrain

-        Level change and ground engagement on and around speed hump (touch on Gear concepts for ground engagement)
-        Three levels of evasion vs attack over terrain hazards – 1-step and multi-step attacks

o   Evasion while maintaining footing

o   Evasion while getting knocked down/proactively falling

o   Evasion while countering to takedown – standing and grounded variants

-        Ambush variants – include criminal interview
-        Striking as accessory to facilitate takedown
-        Armed attacker variations