- CQC scenario drilling for extremely confined spaces
- Serak Lower Art/Langkah introduction
- Free play
- Research CQC applications from multiple technical bases for extreme confined spaces in urban settings
- Gain working understanding of Serak Footwork Concepts
- Have fun beating on one another
Concepts & Drills
- Serak (Segi) Tiga and Pancar(?) footwork diagram
- Inner/outer lines
- Upper Inner/Lower Outer + Upper Outer/Lower Inner
- Triangle Point of Stance Integrity
- Multi-phase Stance Disruption
- Sila - cross-sit-stand exercises (Melayu sitting) for S&C and functional pattern training
- Variation w/kick upon rising
- Variation tracing triangle lines
- (Tukar) Kuda - stance-switching footwork drills
- Switch-step b/w single rear corner and triangle point (single line drill)
- Switch-step b/w triangle point and both corners (two line drill)
- Application: Evasion + counter vs low kicks
- Sapu - Inside Forward Sweep
- Revolving switch-step-sweep around triangle
- Application: Evasion + counter vs low kicks
- Beset(?) - Back Sweep
- Same as Sapu
- Application: Stance Penetration to Outside Line + Back Sweep
- Serak Turn
- Punch-Drop-Squat+Guard-Turn+Supported Punch along single line
- Punch-Drop-Squat+Guard-Turn+Supported Punch along triangle
- Application: Counter-ambush by second foe
- Combination practice of Jurus while tracing Tiga (demo and discussion only)