Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11/12/2010 – Power Generation and Impact Delivery

A good session by all today.  Although we didn't get to do conditioning due to time restraints, it was an enjoyable and educational experience nonetheless as we delved back into the mechanical basis of Systema and learned to apply it under pressure (not to mention how messy anything becomes when subject to pressure).  Constantly revise these basics as striking effectiveness depends less on strength and much more on efficiency, which is guided by...'feeling' is probably the best word I have for it - the kinaesthetic sensitivity that tells you when everything is perfectly aligned to deliver an almighty whack with your whole structure behind it, not to mention which keeps you from fighting your own power and pulling your punches subconsciously.  'Feeling' or sensitivity is also the first thing to go when you start to get out of practice.  With that in mind...


1.)  Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning - joint mobility, strength and conditioning work as we have been covering in class so far.  The better condition you are in, the greater your potential to learn and successfully apply what you pick up in class.  Karl Gotch said, "Conditioning is your best hold (as in wrestling hold)."   Need I explain further?

2.)  For today's work, the wave and other movement drills are very important for grinding out the resistance to your own movements and sensitising yourself to the fine adjustments needed to guide power to its intended destination.  Most of them belong in the joint mobility syllabus in the first place, so practice them along with your joint mobility.

3.)  'Heavy hands' is simply another way of expressing removing resistance to your own movements in the context of hitting someone, as we discussed at the end of class.  The solo drills help develop this, but there is no substitute for working with (and hitting a partner).  Continue to train amongst yourselves while I am away.


- Basics of power generation - Wave versus Ball

- Impact delivery - aligning structure for optimal impact transfer

- Basics of intercepting, translating and redirecting impact


- IntuFlow intermediate routine

Skill-Specific Prep Drills

- Arm waves

- Lateral arm waves

- Dropping waves

- Spinal waves

- Heavy hands drill - taichi arm swing

- Heavy hands drill - falling knife catch

Skill Drills

- Wave power versus Ball power; Wave = sequential summation of momentum across adjacent bodily segments originating at prime mover and ending at end-effectors (eg. from foot to hand);  Ball = instantaneous transfer of power from prime mover to end-effector via all bodily segments acting as a single unit

- Ball power partner push structure check - partners respond to sustained pushes by maintaining structure and moving as a single unit

- Tenderiser - reciprocal wave striking

- Ball power strike training - hand-to-hand slapping; structural disruption test by slapping to body

- Partner push drill to force movement - passive, creeping to resisted; goal is to target structural weaknesses and point of weakest stance integrity; experiment with both wave and ball power

- Intercept impact on arms and recycle wave into dependant strike - start versus circular strikes, creep to linear strikes as comfort level increases

Limited Symmetrical Sparring

Each partner stands their ground and throws strikes at the other in competitive fashion, aiming to slip or batter through their partner's defence while simultaneously absorbing and redirecting incoming attacks back into their own attacks.  Speed is to remain moderate, while power is allowed to creep upwards along with comfort level.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

04/12/2010 – Fundamentals of Ground Grappling, Part 2

The second and final part of this series on positional ground grappling.  Good effort put in by everyone as far as learning the important skills went.  A word of caution, however - learn to regulate the amount of intensity you put into your rolling, especially when unfamiliar with the zone of engagement.  Especially, keep in mind the rules of engagement put in place for training safety - more than once, I saw uke (person on top) attempt to submit tori (person on the bottom) when my instructions quite clearly said to maintain positional dominance only.

If you find yourself going into an adrenaline-fuelled fugue during sparring, slow down, exhale and remind yourself that it's only training.  Your goal is to refine your skills, not destroy your partner (or yourself).


Your homework assignment remains the same as far as joint mobility and conditioning go.  Revise also the three biomechanical drills taught in this class - they will stand you in good stead for ground engagement in general.  As a rule, don't do them to any appreciable level of fatigue.  Rather, treat them as a skill to be mastered and go through them with an eye to performing them as smoothly and effortlessly as possible, with an eye at all times to good form.


- Developing fundamental skills for defence and attack during ground grappling


- IntuFlow intermediate routine


TacFit Commando Mission 1 – Recruit-to-Grunt

1.) Front Lunge Jump – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

2.) Plank Push – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

3.) Sit-Through Reach – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

4.) Screwing Pushup – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

5.) Spinal Rock Pike – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

6.) Tripod Twist – 20/10 x 8

Biomechanical Prep Drills

- Quad base switch

- Hanging and Alternating Hemi-Circular Scorpions

- Stationary Shrimp

Bottom Drills

Side Control

- Sweeps versus side control

                 § Push head to leg scissor
                 § Body pendulum to roll into side control (used when opponent stays close)


- Defences against an opponent in back mount or taking the back

               § Trap underhook, shoulder bridge onto opponent, trap attacking arm against head and turn to guard
               § Attack of opportunity – ankle trap versus improper back guard

Top Drills

Side Control

- Moving from side control to mount
                                   § Knee slide
                                   § Cockroach killer

- Submissions from side control
                                  § Figure-4 locks (kimura/Americana)

Knee on Belly

- Establishing knee on belly from takedowns

- Establishing knee on belly from side control

Situational Sparring

Tori starts in bottom position – mounted or guard in alternating fashion – and aims to sweep or submit uke. Uke aims to retain positional dominance.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

26/11/2010 – Fundamentals of Ground Grappling

Covered some technical groundfighting on saturday's training, which was somewhat different from our usual offerings.  Very important to know, regardless, as combat doesn't happen in a vacuum, but as a response to what the other party is trying to do.  Things like brazilian jiujitsu are very popular nowadays, and present a very real threat in a street assault, so basic grappling skills are essential, both for their technical benefit as well as psychological - when the mind is free of the fear of close contact, a high tension/compression environment and being on the ground, the body is freer to act.

Note that just the fact of being trained in groundfighting does not under any circumstances oblige one to fight on the ground.  Groundfight with a specialist and you will come out holding the short stick.  The whole point of groundfighting training as we do it here is to learn to survive long enough to get to your feet if you do get taken down.  The attacks taught ('submissions') are to be used purely as ones of opportunity.


- Conditioning - joint mobility and Tacfit Commando syllabus

- Rolling and falling


- Developing fundamental skills for defence and attack during ground grappling


- IntuFlow intermediate routine


TacFit Commando Mission 1 – Recruit-to-Grunt

1.) Front Lunge Jump – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

2.) Plank Push – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

3.) Sit-Through Reach – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

4.) Screwing Pushup – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

5.) Spinal Rock Pike – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

6.) Tripod Twist – 20/10 x 8

Skill Drills

Bottom Drills: Sweeps, Replacing the Guard, Basic Submissions

- Scissors sweep from guard

- Knee-push scissors sweep variant

- Basic mounted sweep

- Mounted return to guard

- Basic armbar from guard

- Basic naked front choke

Top Drills: Taking the Top Positions – Mount, Basic Submissions

- Basic standing guard pass

- Basic armbar from mount

- Basic front naked choke from mount