Monday, November 1, 2010

30/10/2010 – Bladework: Defence, Disarm and Counter at Speed, Part 1

Lots of intensity today, and also a little bloodshed (props especially to Nick for being a warrior ;-) )Two training blades also got broken today - how's that for intensity?!

Homework assignment for the week:

1.) As always, rolling and falling and revision of the conditioning syllabus.

2.) Solo knife handling drills - you can do this with any old eating knife from the kitchen.  A slightly larger blade will make them easier to do.  Don't try them with a cleaver, though.

Do your homework and I'll see you all next week for bladework Part Deux.

Train well and stay safe.


- Revision of bladework basics

- Inoculation to blade combat at near-full speed


- IntuFlow basic routine


TacFit Commando Mission 3 – Recruit

1.) Warrior Lunge – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

2.) Swing Plank Knee – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

3.) Airborne Squat Shin – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

4.) Spiderman Pushup Knee – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

5.) Shinbox Twist – 20/10 x 8

1min rest

6.) Table Lift – 20/10 x 8

Skill-Specific Biomechanical Drills

- Leverage disarm drill

- Body figure-8 to stab

- Biker flip grip change

- Figure-8 draw cut

- Rolling snap cut

Preparatory Partner Drills

- Partner push drill with blade

- Sweater-snag drill with blade

- Partner zombie walk drill with blade – to evasion, gait-shadow and soft takedown

Primary Skill Drills

- Empty hand versus blade – attacks at combat speed; evasion, counter and takedown

- Blade versus blade – combat speed; counterslashes, control to takedown or finisher

Objective-based Sparring

Uke attacks tori with blade. Tori, working from empty hands, attempts to disarm uke and either effect a position of control, apply a finisher having gained weapon possession, or both. Drill continues until tori achieves victory objectives. Round-robin format.

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